Our Services


One of KEWASCO's main priorities is to ensure customer satisfaction. Service delivery must be of high quality and to the expectation of the customers. The company undertakes to provide this service through:

  1. Continuous production and adequate supply of high-quality water meeting KBS standards.
  2. Regular and reliable supply through prompt response to system breakdowns.

KEWASCO has a waste water system which includes a piped collection system and a centralized waste water treatment plant. The sewer network covers most of the Central Business District and parts of residential estates within the town. The Company provides effective & efficient Sanitation Services through:

  1. Continuous collection of waste water from sewer connections and managing it to ensure effluent discharge is within the acceptable standards.
  2. Timely attendance to sewer blockages within the system.
  3. Timely attendance to sewer blockages at customer premises as per order at the recommended fee.

KEWASCO provides exhauster services for customers who are not connected to the Company's Sanitation network. These services are also available to clients beyond the company's water provision coverage. The Company also provides safe disposal services for exhauster dumping for firms & individuals who own exhauster equipment and wish to empty the septage for safe management.

  1. Water Services and Sanitation consumers
  2. Board of Directors and Company Staff
  3. Local Community

Our customers expect efficient and effective provision of services particularly:

  1. Efficient and economical provision of Water and Sanitation services
  2. Equitable distribution of Water and Sanitation services
  3. Prompt response to customer needs
  4. Professionalism in the management of Water and Sanitation infrastructure
  5. Transparency and accountability in the manner in which services are provided
  6. Promoting cost-effectiveness and value for money

The company expects its customers to:

  1. Use Water and Sanitation services economically and for purposes intended
  2. Protect the water and sanitation infrastructure to guarantee sustainability of services
  3. Conserve water and minimize wastage in order to enhance sustainability of our water resources
  4. Timely payment for services delivered
  • Water saving Tips