Welcome to Kericho Water & Sanitation Company Limited (KEWASCO).
KEWASCO is a Private Limited Company established under the Company's Act Cap 486, Laws of Kenya and it is wholly owned by the County Government of Kericho.KEWASCO was clustered with former Tililbei Water and Sanitation Company Limited (TILWASCO) on 2nd Novemebr 2018 , a rural based scheme that covered nine schemes namely Kapkatet/Litein, Sosiot, Kipkelion, Chesinende, Londiani, Fort Ternan, Kipsitet, Bargeiywet and Sigowet, and the former Kericho Water and Sanitation Company Limited (KEWASCO), which formerly was mandated to provide water and sanitation services within the urban and Peri urban areas of Kericho town. The core mandate of merged KEWASCO is to provide Water and Sanitation Services to the whole of Kericho County. KEWASCO’s joint mandated area of coverage is over 2,454 km2 while the area currently supplied with water is estimated to be 291 km2. It has been contracted by Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency (LVSWWDA) to provide Water and Sanitation Services within the County Government of Kericho and its environs. The Company operates under the Direction and Guidance of Eight (8) Board of Directors who are drawn from a wide spectrum of the Shareholder (County Government of Kericho) and Stakeholders. This is the Policy Making Organ of the Company which operates on Committee basis. The Management is headed by the Managing Director who reports to the Board of Directors.